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Dr. Emily Blum


Dr. Blum knows medicine.


She's board certified in Adult and Pediatric Urology, and is the only board certified woman practicing pediatric urology in Georgia. Her training consisted of two years of general surgery with four months working in a 60 bed surgical ICU, four years of adult urology training in addition to pediatric subspecialty training. 


She also knows innovation.


In addition to her work as a surgeon, Dr. Blum is the medical director at the Global Center for Medical Innovation and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Emory University School of Medicine. 


From the very beginning, she’s been a tinkerer with a passion for helping others.

Since it's inception, BlumIM has been totally focused on putting the patients experience first. 

Joo T, Takeuchi M, Liu F, Rivera MP, Barr J, Blum ES, Parker E, Tipton JH, Varnedoe J, Dutta B, Lively RP. Evaluation of Particle Filtration Efficiency of Commercially Available Materials for Homemade Face Mask Usage. Aerosol Science and Technology. 2021 Mar 19 (just-accepted):1-4. doi: 10.1080/02786826.2021.1905149

Wu CQ, Traore EJ, Patil D, Blum E, Cerwinka W, Elmore J, Kirsch AJ, Scherz H, Smith EA. Role of a Preoperative Catheter Regimen in Achieving Early Primary Endoscopic Valve Ablation in Neonates with Posterior Urethral Valves. The Journal of Urology. 2021 Feb 3:10-97. doi: 10.1097/JU.0000000000001591


Blum, E, Rolfes, C: Developing the Innovation Mindset, Presented at Engelwood Hospital Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, Virtual 2020


Holzman SA, Grant C, Zee RS, Rana MS, Sprague B, Blum E, Rushton HG. High incidence of abnormal imaging findings in circumcised boys diagnosed with urinary tract infections. Journal of Pediatric Urology. 2020 Oct 1;16(5):560-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2020.07.030


Blum E, Bhargava H: The PPE Crisis: Strategies for Meeting a Critical Need in a Pandemic -- PART 1 Podcast Medscape Education Infectious Diseases, Virtual 2020,


Blum ES , Kern NG, and Rushton HG. Imaging of Urinary Tract Prior to Reconstruction. Surgical Techniques in Pediatric and Adolescent Urology. Ed. Gundeti, M.S.: Jaypee Brothers,Medical Publishers Pvt. Limited, 2019. Print.


Bilgutay AN, Hua H, Edmond M, Blum ES, Smith EA, Elmore JM, Scherz HC, Garcia-Roig M, Kirsch AJ, Cerwinka WH. Opioid utilization is minimal after outpatient pediatric urologic surgery. J Pediatr Urol. 2019 Oct 31;S1477-5131(19) 30341-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2019.10.021 [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 31784376.


Jackson KG, Malphrus EL, Blum E, Kalloo NB, Finkel JC. Pupillometric assessment of dysautonomia in pediatric bowel and bladder dysfunction: a pilot study. J Pediatr Urol. 2019;15(3):226.e1–226.e5. doi:10.1016/j.jpurol.2019.02.015


Blum E: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Urology; Presented at Emory Advances in Urology Course, Atlanta, GA December 2018


Blum ES, Porras AR, Biggs E, Tabrizi PR, Sussman RD, Sprague BM, Shalaby-Rana E, Majd M, Pohl HG, Linguraru MG. Early detection of ureteropelvic junction obstruction using signal analysis and machine learning: A Dynamic Solution to a Dynamic Problem. The Journal of Urology. 2018 Mar;199(3):847-852 doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2017.09.147


Sussman RD, Blum ES, Sprague BM, Majd M, Rushton HG, Pohl HG. Prediction of Clinical Outcomes in Prenatal Hydronephrosis: Importance of Gravity Assisted Drainage. The Journal of Urology. 2017; 197 (3 Pt 2) : 838-844. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2016.09.111


Talari, H, Monfaredi, R, Wilson, E, Blum, E, Bayne, C, Peters, C, Zhang, A, Cleary, K, Robotically assisted ureteroscopy for kidney exploration Proc. SPIE 10135, Medical Imaging 2017: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, 1013512 (March 3, 2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2253862


Porras, A, Blum, E, Tabrizi, P,  Pohl, H, Linguraru, M: Early Detection of Ureteropelvic Obstruction from Diuretic Renograms, Podium presentation: 3rd Annual Joseph  E. Robert, Jr. Academic Day Symposium: Washington, DC  2016. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2017.09.147


Blum, E, Rushton, H, Belman, B: The Crochet Hook: An Alternative Technique for the Management of Anterior Urethral Valve, Podium presentation: Society for Fetal Urology Fall Congress: Dallas, TX 2016


Sussman, R, Blum, E, Sprague, B, Majd, M,  Rushton, H, Pohl, H: Prediction of Clinical Outcomes in Prenatal Hydronephrosis: What Data Can Be Gleaned From Initial Diuresis Renography? Presented at 2016 Society of Pediatric Urology Annual Meeting; San Diego, CA. 2016. 


Cleary, K, Monfaredi, R, Blum, E. Robotically-Assisted Ureteroscopy. Presented at The 8th National Center for Image Guided Therapy and NIH Image Guided Therapy Workshop; Bethesda, MD. 2016. 


Blum, E, Daristotle, J, Srinivasan, P, Behrens, A, Lee, N, Kofinas, P, and Sandler, A: Solution Blow Spinning: A Novel Pre-Clinical Surgical Sealant for Bowel Anastomoses, Podium presentation: 2nd Annual Joseph E. Robert, Jr. Academic Day Symposium: Washington, DC  2015. 


Blum, E and Burks, F: Noninvasive Bladder Cancer: Diagnosis and Management; Clin Outcomes Manage 2014 Sep;21(9):409-418 


Blum, E and Korman, H. Bladder Cancer. In: Stephen Leslie. Urology Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom. NY: McGraw Hill Professional; 2013: 431-440.


Bartley, J , Blum, E, Sirls, L and Peters, K. Understanding Clinic Options for Overactive Bladder. Current urology reports (2013): 1-8. doi: 10.1007/s11934-013-0353-6

Blum, E, McLennan, G, Bartley, J, Sirls, L, Killinger, K, Boura, J/ Mclennan, G; Presentation of Vaginal Mesh Exposure After Transvaginal Prolapse Repair With Elevate And Prolift Systems, Podium presentation: AUA North Central Section meeting 2013


Blum, E, Wenzler, D, Parslow, J, Wojno, K, Krauss, D, Venuturumilli, P, Balaraman, S, Hollander, J, Korman, H, Blum, E. Does Utilization of a Prostate Multidisciplinary Clinic in the Community Setting Change Treatment or Referral Patterns?  Podium presentation: Michigan Urologic Society 2013 and AUA North Central Section meeting 2013


Blum, E, McLennan, G, Sirls L, Killinger K, Boura J, Blum E; Management of Vaginal Mesh Exposure After Transvaginal Prolapse Repair With Elevate And Prolift Systems, Podium presentation:  Michigan Urologic Society 2012, AUA North Central Section meeting 2012, AUA Annual meeting 2013. 


Blum, E, Rutledge, K, Conboy, A, Elf, S, Agusti, C, McBride, A.E./ McBride, A.E. Functional Conservation of the HMT1 Arginine Methyltransferase and an RNA-binding Protein Substrate in Candida albicans. Poster presented at: The 7th Conference on Candida and Candidiasis; Austin, TX. March 2004.


Blum, E, Elf, S, Agusti, C, and McBride, A./ Blum, E Conservation and Function of the HMT1 Arginine Methyltransferase Gene in Candida albicans. Poster presented at: American Society for Microbiology 104th General Meeting; New Orleans, LA. May 2004.


McBride AE, Zurita-Lopez C, Regis A, Blum E, Conboy A, Elf S, Clarke S. Protein arginine methylation in Candida albicans: role in nuclear transport. Eukaryot Cell. 2007 Jul;6(7):1119-29. Epub 2007 May 4. doi: 10.1128/EC.00074-07

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